I've been reading a couple different blogs recently - which isn't a new development in and of itself. The interesting component is that a group of them have recently centered around The Compact. I'm still researching and reading just about anything I can find about it. But from what I've read, it sounds like an admirable project that can range anywhere from the strictest rules against purchasing anything, to a slightly looser version that encourages you to moderate your purchases.
I get this kind of rush when I think about downsizing our current living situation. And the more I dwell on it, the more I feel downright disgusted with the fact that there are only two of us living in a four bedroom house (which still hasn't sold), and that we've managed in our almost 5 years of marriage to completely fill EVERY room in that house (and the basement) with stuff! Some of it most definitely has sentimental value, and would most likely be kept in the event that we downsize. Most of it, however, is the kind of crap that accumulates due to the fact that I'm a pack-rat, that I can't convince myself to pass up a "good deal," and are items that have stuck around long past their "expiration" date. Can someone please tell me why I'm still holding on to 2 corsages from high school prom?!??
My hope is to come up with some sort of moderated "rules" from The Compact to begin a cleansing of sorts. Obviously my first goal in this will be to not add stress to our already insane lives - which means that any implementation will have to wait until after Nov. 1, and can not be disruptive to Tom and his school schedule/needs. Stay tuned for more as I contemplate this lifestyle alteration.
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I really like the idea of the Compact. I'm going to think on it, too, and maybe start something for 2007. Maybe we can brainstorm together, though I'm sure our needs will be different, we might get good ideas from each other.
As for the decluttering... a friend had a good idea for keeping sentimental things or mementos from years past. She has one shoe (or so) size box for each year and will keep the most important things in them. Whether it's ticket stubs, corsages, cards, letters, etc., it's all together. That might help you downsize and you'd also organize it. Another idea along those same lines is maybe one or two (or more depending on how much stuff you have!) bigger rubbermaid tubs for each year or for eras, like high school, college, married life, etc. I'm not a terribly sentimental things person, so that's the only idea I have. I seriously don't have much stuff like that. I do love pictures, though. :-)
I like the shoe box idea! Only, I think that would give me WAY too much "crap." :) I think I'm overly sentimental about things, and need to learn to follow through on projects. I have so many things that I'm saving for a scrapbook, or for a picture box, etc. I need to just actually do them, and get rid of the stuff I don't use!
each time i come back to kentucky, i end up weeding out about half again of what i accumulated when i was squatting in a three bedroom house by myself, and i still have way too much stuff to fit in a ny apartment. it takes years for me to be able to get rid of things i've never used. and old t-shirts: forget about it. i'm all for downsizing, but there are things you can't get rid of: photos, albums on vinyl, letters actually sent through the mail, you know? my rule, though, is if i've forgotten i have it, then i don't need it anymore. unless it's a pair of pants that fit: those i'll keep.
think i might have accidentally come through as annonymous just s econd ago. sorry about that.
oh, yeah and by the way: i'll be in chicago from nov. 6 through dec 12. come see me!
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