February 21, 2007

More on the bag front

First I'd just like to say GO IKEA!!! Starting March 15th, Ikea stores will begin charging a five cent fee to customers for disposable plastic bags. Additionally, they're dropping the cost of their reusable bags from 99 cents to 59 cents. They're also donating the 5 cents they collect from each bag sale to American Forests - a conservation group.

I'm not sure how long this link will work, but here's the link to the article:


Additionally - I just read that Ireland is increasing it's tax on plastic bags from 15 euro cents to 22 euro cents. The tax is being raised in an effort to stem the rising apathy and continue it's success as a litter deterrent. The article is here:


Now - if only the mass American population would grab on to these ideas and run with them!!!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

That is such a good idea! I cannot wait until that Ikea opems near my parents... well, I can since we're Compacting but what a cool company!

America is so far behind, it will probably be 25 years before stores start charging people to use those stupid plastic bags. We always take ours to the grocery but I forget when we go other places - like Target today.