August 08, 2008

Chaco's - YAY!

I've had my Chaco Chong sandals since our honeymoon over 6 years ago. And as soon as the weather breaks every spring, they become my "worn-most-often" pair of shoes. I was saddened recently when I discovered that I was finally beginning to wear through the soles. I was, however, EXTREMELY happy to find that I could just ship them back to Chaco and have them resoled! The footbeds and the straps have plenty of life left in them, and now it's like I have a brand new pair!!! I am slightly sad that the company has moved all of its production to China, but they do their repairs at their facility in CO, which is pretty cool. So even though I'm wearing "made in China" soles on my "made in Colorado" Chaco's - I'm ok with it. I saved them from going into the landfill!!! And now that they're back from being repaired, I'm on the hunt for another pair on ebay to offer new life to them as well - so maybe I won't wear these out quite so quickly...not that 6 years is quick, but a girl's got to have options!


Rachel said...

I'd really like a pair of Chaco's but I'm not supposed to be buying anything in August and, well, we don't have any money. Maybe next May on my birthday I'll get some. Anyway, that's awesome they lasted so long and that they can last even longer by being resoled!

Natalie said...

Finding them used on ebay has been super easy. Just keep that in mind. I know it's kind of gross to buy used shoes on ebay, but you can just throw these in the washer with hot water, and you know that kills just about anything!